About Us

Conceived in late 2023 and officially founded in early 2024 by Mark Somers and Arman Syed, AMSPress aims to provide a space for students to share their voice and perspectives through the art of writing. We started this website with the aim of giving high school students a platform to share their work, as lots of students’ best work (written for essay competitions, prizes etc.) never make it outside of the school environment, and that is something that could easily be fixed – by this website! We have made connections to schools across various countries including the UK, US, Canada, and beyond, and hope to foster an online community of sharing and celebrating each others’ best works. Our target audience is high school students, and as such we encourage other high school students to publish their work here, to create a ‘for the students, by the students’ environment.

We have decided to keep the ages, schools, and other personal details of all our writers and editors anonymous for safeguarding reasons, and as such all our contributors will be referred to by name only. To become a lead writer, you must have at least 4 works published on AMSPress. To become a lead editor, you must have edited at least 4 works on AMSPress, and have written at least 2 articles/essays too.

The leadership team is as follows:

Founders: Mark Somers, Arman Syed

Editors-in-Chief: Mark Somers, Arman Syed

Creative Director: Emma Somers

Writers: Jonathan Zhao, Emma Somers, Reace Guy,
